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Cheapest Canyon Harness by Petzl Online


Canyon Harness by Petzl Cheap - Canyon Harness by Petzl

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All data as of Mar 01, 2012 00:21:04.


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All data as of Feb 26, 2012 15:29:03.

BestBuy Metolius 8-Step Ladder Aider with 1" Webbing Free Shipping


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You won't just get cheap deals but you may even save you even more money by simply looking into the discounts and offers which available on their many sellers.

Metolius 8-Step Ladder Aider with 1" Webbing : Features

  • Ladder-style construction with 8 steps for maximum ease of use
  • 1" flat nylon webbing. Biothane step stiffeners insure the steps always stay open
  • Reinforced clip-in point. Full-strength grab loop
  • Dedicated clip-in point at the bottom for enchaining aiders without collapsing the bottom step
  • Weight 11.5 oz. (326 g). Overall length: 74"; Step spacing: 9". Strength: End to end - 18 kN; Grab Loop - 22 kN; Steps - 4.4 kN

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All data as of Feb 26, 2012 09:50:05.


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Black Diamond 18mm Nylon Daisy Chain Deals

Get Best Price of Black Diamond 18mm Nylon Daisy Chain now!


Black Diamond 18mm Nylon Daisy Chain
  • 2-inch long pockets with double bar tacks between each pocket for extra strength
  • Half-twist loop for low-profile girth hitching to your harness
  • Strength: 16 kN (3597 lbf)
  • Carabiner not included
  • Weight 3.5oz (98g)

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All data as of Feb 25, 2012 16:27:04.

Cheap ATTACK! OpGear MASTER Rigger Rappelling Harness Save Price!

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Cheap ATTACK! OpGear MASTER Rigger Rappelling Harness

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Summary Reiviews:

ATTACK! OpGear MASTER Rigger Rappelling Harness ATTACK! MASTER Rigger Rappel Harness The MASTER Rigger Rappel Belt is comfortable, wicked strong and secures your holster and sub-loads all day long. When combined with the MASTER Rigger Leg Loops, you have a super light and compact rappelling harness that weighs just 16 ounces! SOFT "quiet" Clip-In Loops are located in front and back. Strong HDPE plastic is sewn in between the two 7000 lb. webbing layers to add vertical rigidity to your belt. Features: Belt Clips-in loops in front and rear waist "SOFT" clip-in loops rated 5000 lbs MBS Double layer of 1.75" 7000 lbs MBS webbing HDPE plastic stiffener sewn between webbing layers Hook and loop secures running end Weight: 9 ounces Leg Loops Quick-Connect Steel Buckles rated 4000 lbs MBS Type 8 4000 lb Mil Spec webbing Weight: 7 ounces Note: Carabiners not included. .. :: Read More Reviews..
We delivers a nice big selection associated with ATTACK! OpGear MASTER Rigger Rappelling Harness with speedy and Free delivery on eligible purchases. Our online shop have been in associated various online merchances to avoid wasting your time on looking for ATTACK! OpGear MASTER Rigger Rappelling Harness for the best rates. Special lowest best price for ATTACK! OpGear MASTER Rigger Rappelling Harness is a special price and time-limied.
All data as of Feb 25, 2012 10:53:51.


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